Race Approved 1 Hour

Updates in Pancreatitis: Innovation and PANOQUELL-CA1

Internal Medicine Event Details:

April 11, 2023

Check-in: 11:45 AM CDT
Presentation: 12:00 PM CDT

Updates in Pancreatitis: Innovation and Panoquell-CA1
Virtual Teams Meeting

Speaker: Sarah Kuhlo, DVM
Please RSVP by: April 11, 11:00 AM
Maximum Number of Attendees: 75

Additional Notes:
Please note, you must register for this event to receive credit.

Please register on CevaConnect prior to the live webinar to ensure you receive 1 CE credit certificate after the event. Join the link below on the April 11th to attend the meeting. https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjM0OWMyYzAtODUxMy00ZGFmLWI0NjAtNGU4NDUzOGZhZmJi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226bd869ea-23ff-419c-8873-c4b11ebc3076%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%227e0040ff-fbb6-4283-b933-f375ab2d895a%22%7d

Event Coordinator:
Amanda Cosenza | amanda.cosenza@ceva.com |